mercoledì 15 giugno 2016

Ho trovato un cerbiatto in mezzo al bosco....- I found a fawn amid the woods

Ho trovato un cerbiatto in mezzo al bosco....

Ho trovato un cerbiatto
in mezzo al bosco:
era ferito, tenero, tremante,
celato sotto un tronco di betulla,
che scintillava di preziose scaglie,
argenteo nel trepido, incessante
agitarsi delle foglie.
L'ho sollevato tra le braccia,
accarezzato lievemente
e, con delicato incedere,
l'ho portato a casa.
Lui mi strofinava fiducioso
il soffice muso contro il collo:
chissà quante lame aveva visto
sfolgorare terribili nel buio.
Latte ha lambito, a casa,
dalle mie mani,
e infine, tra le mie braccia,
quietamente l'ho cullato,
dondolando silenziosa
nella pace serena della luna.

I found a fawn
amid the woods:
he was wounded, tender, trembling,
concealed under a birch trunk,
which gleamed by precious flakes,
by the anxious, relentless
silver stirring of its leaves.
I raised him among my arms,
caressed him slightly
and, with gentle gait,
I carried him home.
He rubbed confidently
his soft muzzle against my neck:
who knows how many blades he had seen        

terribly blazing in the dark.
Milk he lapped, at home,
from my hands,
and finally, among my arms,
I quietly rocked him,
swinging in silence
in the serene peace of the moon.


1 commento:

  1. When I was 8 years old, on summer holyday, in the large country house of the family of my mom, I seldom found little birds on the pavement, fallen from the roof. Sometimes I gathered and tried to take care of them. Actually, I didn't do a lot: it was my aunt, or my cousin, who tried to feed them. I remember one, in particular, for which I prepared a little nest with my Lego, plus cotton wool: when it recovered, it flitted about (leaving also little "presents" in the kitchen of my aunt...). One couldn't survive: I don't remember my reaction, but I was assured by others I was terribly sad. I recall I buried it with all the honours; and I gathered other little sparrows.
    There is a magic "love flow" among children and animals: and, in the Wallace Collection, I fell in love with the beautiful portrait of a little girl by Sir Joshua Reynolds: "Miss Bowles with her dog". How she keeps tight her little dog! I wish I could hug her!
